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You wanted a hit

You wanted a hit
But maybe we don't do hits
I try and try
It ends up feeling kind of wrong

You wanted it tough
But is it ever tough enough?
No, nothing's ever tough enough
Until we hit the road

Yeah, you wanted it lush
But honestly you must hush
No honestly you know too much
So leave us, leave us on our own

And so you wanted a hit
Well, this is how we do hits
You wanted the hit
But that's not what we do

You wanted it real
But can you tell me what's real?
There's lights and sounds and stories
Music's just a part

Yeah, you wanted the truth
And then you said you want proof
I guess you're used to liars
Saying what they want

And we won't be your babies anymore
We won't be your babies anymore
We won't be your babies
'Til you take us home

No, we won't be your babies anymore
We won't be your babies anymore
We can't be your babies
'Til you take us home

Yeah, you wanted it smart
But honestly I'm not smart
No, honestly we're never smart
We fake it, fake it all the time

Yeah, you wanted the time
But maybe I can't do time
Oh, we both know that's an awful line
But it doesn't make it wrong

You wanted it right
No out of mind and out of sight
No dirty bus and early flight
No seven days and forty nights

Yeah, you wanted a hit
But tell me where's the point in it?
You wanted the hit
But that's not what we do

And we won't be your babies anymore
We won't be your babies anymore
We won't be your babies
'Til you take us home

No, we won't be your babies anymore
We won't be your babies anymore
We can't be your babies
'Til you take us home

And we won't be your babies anymore
We won't be your babies anymore
We won't be your babies
'Til you take us home

No, we won't be your babies anymore
We won't be your babies anymore
We can't be your babies
'Til you take us home


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