The Box, canción publicada en 1996 por Orbital en dos partes, en su álbum In-sides es sin ninguna duda una de los mayores ejercicios de música electrónica jamás concebidos. La canción posteriormente fue publicada como semi-disco de 4 partes variando ligeramente su armonía pero respirando su claustrofobia.
Una canción asfixiante, suicida, atrapadora, sexy y maligna.
Nada vive dentro de la caja. Nada vive fuera de la caja.
"The Box" was released in two main versions, each divided into parts. The album version released on In Sides
is in two parts, a slow ambient "part 1" and an upbeat "part 2".
The longer single version is in four parts, of which the first has a similar arrangement to "part 2" of the album version. On the CD single (but not the 12" vinyl), the first three parts are segued/mixed together, though indexed separately.
The last part on the single contains a vocal version of "The Box", with additional vocals by Grant Fulton and Alison Goldfrapp.
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