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Wall poetry 2015 en Reykjavik (Islandia)

Iceland Airwaves and Urban Nation Berlin are excited to announce the 2015 inaugural collaboration that will kick of their ongoing ‘WALLPOETRY’ series.Wall Poetry stands for the curator Yasha Young’s (Urban Nation Berlin) idea to connect more creative minds from all over the world with one another and encourage artistic and creative exchange far beyond the inside of a gallery or the recording studio. “The goal was to take the invisible creative process when a painter listens to a record while painting or a musician sees a certain painting or art installation and wants to incorporate the emotional experience and inspiration in her or his songs and connect this process between the two on a very special collaborative platform.” Yasha Young

 “This first edition of ‘WALLPOETRY’ is dedicated to nurture the exchange and create opportunities between creative genres and cultures. It is amazing what and how much we learn about one another and a country when actually immersing into the culture for a full two weeks. The dialogues and ideas that emerge and the power and beauty of cultures working with one another is something we can learn from especially in today’s world.”Yasha Young

”Iceland Airwaves is very excited about the project and can´t wait to make Reykjavik even more beautiful.  We loved the idea to combine these two artforms to make something really amazing and thought this was a great add on to the festival experience.” Henny M. FrímannsdottirIceland Airwaves under the curatorial lead of Henny María Frímannsdottir invited musicians from IA’s amazing 2015 line up to connect with a group of international street artists that Yasha Young, Director of Urban Nation Berlin curated as collaborative partners. These two groups got the task to transform city walls of Reykjavík into canvases for amazing artwork. After a careful selection the artists were connected with each other in pairs. 

The musicians were asked to provide the street artists with a song, lyrics or poetry especially chosen or written for this project. The visual artists were provided a city wall as surface for the large scale work by curators Frímannsdóttir and Young and the sketching began. The goal of this project was to make the art as well as the creative spirit of collaboration across the globe even more accessible and visible not only to the residents of Reykjavík but all festival visitors, visitors in general and the artistic community. 

To make the experience even more powerful the entire project of the collaboration of music and art was to be executed on the selected walls around Reykjavík city center over the course of only 14 days come rain or shine. No entry fees no tickets no opening hours. Simply art and creative energy for everyone. We wanted to bring a little of Berlin and several other countries to the city of Reykjavík and show the beauty of Iceland and the innovative spirit it carries to creatives from all around the world. In return Iceland will come and bring some of its music and workshops to the institution in Berlin 2017.


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Ernest Zacharevic + Dikta
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Elle + Úlfur Úlfur
Caratoes s + Ylja
Tankpetrol + GusGus
Telmomiel + Mercury Rev
Ugly Brothers + Gísli Pálmi
DFace + Agent Fresco and Laxdæla

Wall poetry 


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