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Impulsos y desconexiones: Yesterday´s tomorrow

Are those days
those days where did they go..
they shuffled through our tarway
and they're here

are those days
those days they follow us apart..
and peer through our window
and they're here

and all our problems
they're here
are those nights
those nights they XXX to try
they crackle under our window
and they're here

then our yesterday's tomorrow
then our yesterday's tomorrow
then our yesterday's tomorrow
and they're here

and still we try
to reach for what is gone tonight
and they're here

this ain't right, determined to let life run dry
and every moment burned with that fire
and they're here

and then our yesterday's tomorrow
and then our yesterday's tomorrow
and then our yesterday's tomorrow
and they're here

and all our hoping,
all our wondering,
they're here 

Enormous skyscrapers will house residents and workers who happily go "for weeks" without setting foot on the ground. Streamlined, "hurricane-proof" houses will pivot on their foundations like weather vanes. The family car will turn into an airplane so easily that "a woman can do it in five minutes." Our wars will be fought by robots. And our living room furniture―waterproof, of course―will clean up with a squirt from the garden hose.

In Yesterday's Tomorrows Joseph J. Corn and Brian Horrigan explore the future as Americans earlier in the last century expected it to happen. Filled with vivid color images and lively text, the book is eloquent testimony to the confidence―and, at times, the naive faith―Americans have had in science and technology. The future that emerges here, the authors conclude, is one in which technology changes, but society and politics usually do not.

The authors draw on a wide variety of sources―popular-science magazines, science fiction, world fair exhibits, films, advertisements, and plans for things only dreamed of. From Jules Verne to the Jetsons, from a 500-passenger flying wing to an anti-aircraft flying buzz-saw, the vision of the future as seen through the eyes of the past demonstrates the play of the American imagination on the canvas of the future.
Yesterday´s tomorrow. The hungry saw. 2008. Tindersticks.


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